How We Treat

At Southern Idaho Therapy Services, our therapists are committed to exceptional care. Our philosophy is that “we are in this together.” We are a family and community oriented practice that has a passion for treating patients and improving their overall life experience. We work hard to stay current in new research and methods for effective rehabilitation and treatment. Your care is our priority. Your goal is our goal.


ASTYM stimulates the body to regenerate and remodel tissues, helping your body to recover and heal. This therapy is one of the most researched and effective treatments available and can be an alternative to more invasive treatments.

Concussion Management

From initial pre-season baseline testing to concussion treatment and rehabilitation, as partnered CCMI practitioners, we collaborate with primary care physicians to co-manage concussions, helping patients and athletes safely return to learn, work and play.

Dry Needling

Dry Needling is an effective treatment for acute and chronic pain, rehabilitation from injury, and even pain and injury prevention. Treatment involves multiple thin filament needles being inserted into the area of the body which produces pain, allowing a release of neuromuscular dysfunction.

Ergonomic Assessment

An ergonomic assessment provides the means of adjusting work environment and work practices to prevent injuries before they occur. Our therapists can suggest safe options, identify hazards, develop health and training for employees, and more.

Fascial Distortion Method

Fascial Distortion Method (FDM) is a method of identifying the source of pain or injury by tuning in to the patient’s description of their symptoms. Fascial distortions are corrected with hands-on deep pressure application with measurable, dramatic results.

Fall Prevention and Balance

Your therapists can help identify fall risk factors and work with you to mitigate those risks using gait training, strengthening, and balance techniques.

Geriatric Rehabilitation

Our therapists understand the unique needs of older adults. We create an individualized plan to help relieve symptoms and prevent injury. We also help educate our patients and their families on how to inspire a healthy and safe life at home.

Job Site Analysis & Pre-Employment Testing

We also work with businesses and employees to indentify injury risks in that industry and specific work environment, along with determining the physical limitations of employees to ensure safe working conditions. We also evaluate potential or new employees to determine if they have the physical strength and abilities necessary to carry out the duties of their job.

Kinesio Taping

Kinesio taping is a method that helps the body heal and reduces pain in injured areas. The tape is made of an elastic, breathable material that is placed on the skin to lift the affected area and reduce inflammation and promote recovery.

Manual Therapy

Our therapists use skilled, hands-on techniques to regain movement, activate muscle function, promote healing and decrease pain. We use manual therapy in conjunction with individualized prescribed exercises and patient education to optimize recovery.

Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation

Symptoms of COVID-19 range from mild to severe. Patient's will likely suffer from difficulty breathing, fatigue, pain and weakness. It is our focus to provide early intervention with exercise and recovery programs in order to minimize the effects and assist the patient in getting back to their normal life in a safe manner.

Post Surgery

We offer rehabilitation for patients recovering from a wide variety of surgical procedures, including rotator cuff repair, hip/knee replacement surgeries, ligament tears of the knee, arthroscopic and meniscus repair, and spinal surgery. We use evidence based interventions as well as experience and expertise to restore function and allow you to reach your goals. WE tailor treatment based on the patients unique circumstances and needs allowing you to safely return to your desired activity.

Spinal Traction

Spinal traction is a treatment used by therapists to reduce and relieve pressure on the joints. The therapists use their hands to apply force and stretch to the area, eliminating the painful pressure on the body to help it heal.

Sports Rehabilitation

We offer injury rehabilitation, stretches and exercises to strengthen muscles for better performance, injury prevention techniques, post-game massage, and other therapies to alleviate sore muscles. We also offer advice for home care and provide support materials such as heat packs, wraps, braces, and mouth guards to protect you during practices, games, and meets.

Vestibular Testing & Rehab

Vestibular testing and rehab may be prescribed by your therapist as a result of dizziness, imbalance, nausea/vomiting, and vertigo or other restrictions of activity. Rehabilitation includes exercises designed o improve postural control and decrease symptoms affecting overall quality of life.

Work Injury Rehabilitation

We understand workplace injuries and will work closely with the injured worker to help them safely return to work and prevent future injury. WE work diligently with workmen compensation in companies for prior authorization of treatments in a timely fashion. Our clinic is Work Well certified.